Le 30e Congrès annuel canadien de recherche sur le VIH/sida (ACRV 2021) se déroulera en mode virtuel du 5 au 7 mai. L’événement propose tout un éventail de séances incluant des présentations de recherche et des résumés oraux pour partager les progrès réalisés dans le domaine de la recherche sur le VIH.
Le thème du congrès de cette année est Garder le cap.
Vous trouverez ci-dessous un résumé des séances auxquelles participent des membres du Réseau à titre de présentateurs ou d’auteurs.


Programme principal

Le 5 mai

13 h 15 à 14 h 15
Ensemble, nous pouvons stopper le virus
Dre Mona Loutfy, Dr Chris FraserChristian Hui
Tribune-discussion coopérative sur les efforts consentis au Canada pour stopper la propagation du VIH.

16 h 15 à 18 h 45
Le Programme de bourses postdoctorales du Réseau canadien pour les essais VIH des IRSC
Annonce des renouvellements et des nouveaux boursiers postdoctoraux du Réseau pour 2021/2022. Les bourses postdoctorales pour le cycle 2021-2022 sont offertes grâce aux généreuses contributions des IRSC, de l’industrie pharmaceutique et de CANFAR.

Le 6 mai

13 h 15 à 14 h 15
Colloque commandité : La voix des PVVIH dans les décisions thérapeutiques
Dr. Mona Loutfy
L’objet de ce colloque est de présenter divers points de vue sur la façon dont les PVVIH entrent le système de soins et sélectionnent leur traitement avec leur équipe traitante.

16 h 15 à 17 h 15
Séance spéciale: La science des programmes pour de meilleurs résultats dans la prévention et le traitement du VIH
Dr. Marissa Becker
Dans cette séance, on offre une introduction à la science des programmes selon divers conférenciers et divers points de vue, en présentant des exemples réels dans le domaine du VIH.  

Cliquez ici pour visualiser le programme complet du congrès.  



Présentation d’affiche  Épidémiologie et santé publique
Le 3 mai
00 h 00 à 23 h 00 

Ablona A, Chang H, Salway T, Grace D, Worthington C, Gilbert M. Sexual health service needs by gender and sexual orientation among clients in British Columbia during the first few months of the COVID-19 pandemic response

Antabe R, Husbands W, Wong J, weSpeak Toronto Team. Prevalence and Correlates of HIV Testing among Black Heterosexual Men in Toronto: Findings from the weSpeak Study

Ablona A, Chang H, Ogilvie G, Grennan T, Wong J, Salway T, Haag D, Pedersen H, Bannar-Martin S, Ford G, Grace D, Worthington C, Gilbert M. Interest in alternative sexual health service delivery methods during the COVID-19 pandemic in British Columbia

Boodman C, Isac S, Parmar P, Kumar P, Ola S, Mishra J, Becker M. Programmatic Mapping of Virtual Platforms and Size Estimation of Online Men who have Sex with Men in Delhi, India

Campbell A, Gormley R, Nicholson V, Gebremedhen T, Pang D, Lee M, Tognazzini S, Egwalu A, Côté H, Murray M, Kaida A. Meaningful inclusion and training of Peer Research Associates by, with, and for women living with HIV: Teachings from the BC CARMA-CHIWOS Collaboration Study.

Chandran N, Rueda S, Pinto A, O’Brien K. Examining whether the Social Determinants of Health Predict Engagement in Exercise in People Living with HIV

Clifford-Rashotte M, Zhao W, Kao D, Trigg J, Toy J, Guillemi S, Lima V, Barrios R, Montaner J, Hull M. Successful scale-up of syphilis testing linked to routine viral load monitoring in British Columbia

Colyer S, Kesler M, Adam B, Brennan D, Coleman T, English K, Griffiths D, Lachowsky N, Kroch A. Estimation of the number of gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men in Ontario to enable more precise population-specific metrics of the HIV epidemic and targeted interventions

Dulai J, Gilbert M, Lachowsky N, Card K, Klassen B, Burchell A, Worthington C, Ablona A, Anand P, Blaque E, Ryu H, Stewart M, Brennan D, Grace D. High acceptability of online sexually transmitted and blood-borne infection (STBBI) testing for sexual minority men living in Ontario, Canada

Grace D, Skakoon-Sparling S, Lachowsky N, Moore D, Jollimore J, Grey C, Brennan D, Tan D, Gilbert M, Sang J, Gaspar M, Perez-Brumer A, Lambert G, Noor S, Ferlatte O, Salway T, Burchell A, Hart T, Cox J. The impact of COVID-19 on sexual behaviour, PrEP use, and healthcare access among gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men in Canada: Preliminary Findings from Engage-COVID-19

Hart T, Moore D, Noor S, Lachowsky N, Grace D, Cox J, Skakoon-Sparling S, Jollimore J, Parlette A, Lal A, Apelian H, Sang J, Tan D, Lambert G. Prevalence of HIV and sexually transmitted and bloodborne infections, and related preventive and risk behaviours, among gay, bisexual and other MSM in Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver 

Hart T, Moore D, Noor S, Lachowsky N, Grace D, Cox J, Skakoon-Sparling S, Jollimore J, Parlette A, Lal A, Apelian H, Sang J, Tan D, Lambert G. Attitudes toward time-based and behaviour-based blood donation policies among HIV-negative gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men in Montreal, Toronto

Herpai N, Lazarus L, Forget E, Balakireva O, Pavlova D, McClarty L, Lorway R, Pickles M, Isac S, Sandstrom P, Aral S, Mishra S, Blanchard J, Becker M. Exploring the dynamics of workplace typologies for sex workers in Eastern Ukraine

Kesler M, Oakes W, O’Brien K, Brennan D, Ibáñez-Carrasco F, Betts A, Tharao W, Burchell A, Kroch A. Vulnerability, Stigma, Trauma and Resiliency in the Face of Coronavirus Adversity: Results among a Cohort of People Living with HIV in Ontario, Canada

Kteily-hawa R, Hawa A, Gogolishvili D, Andruszkiewicz N, Al Akel M, Vijayanathan H, Loutfy M. Examining Epidemiological HIV Risk Factors and Underlying Risk Context for Youth from the Middle East and North Africa within a Canadian Context (YSMENA Study): A Scoping Review of the Literature

Lambert G, Labbé A, Fortin C, Fourmigue A, Apelian H, Dvorakova M, Moore D, Lachowsky N, Jollimore J, Grace D, Hart T, Cox J, Engage Study Group. Prevalence and Correlates of Mycoplasma Genitalium Infection Among Gay, Bisexual and Other Men Who Have Sex with Men (GBM) in Greater Montréal, Canada – Results from the Engage Study.

Lanièce Delaunay C, Maheu-Giroux M, Marathe G, Saeed S, Cooper C, Walmsley S, Cox J, Hull M, Martel-Laferrière V, Pick N, Vachon M, Klein M. Temporal Trends In Access To Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Prevention And Care Among HIV-HCV Coinfected People Who Inject Drugs In Canada

Penny L, Lo Hog Tian J, McBain K, Galli R, Gahagan J, Worthington C, Rourke S. Service Provider HIV Self-Testing National Survey Results: Knowledge, Access, Usability, Supports, and Barriers

Marathe G, Moodie E, Lanièce Delaunay C, Brouillette M, Cox J, Cooper C, Hull M, Gill J, Walmsley S, Pick N, Klein M. Effect of Clinically Relevant Depressive Symptoms on Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Treatment Initiation in the HIV-HCV Co-Infected Population in Canada

Marshall C, McClean A, Shokoohi M, Kooij K, Trigg J, Ding E, Hogg R. The association between baseline body mass index (BMI) and viral suppression and rebound among people living with HIV: the Canadian HIV Observational Cohort (CANOC)

McClean A, Trigg J, Loutfy M, Cooper C, Shokoohi M, Montaner J, Hogg R. Trends in Combination Antiretroviral Therapy Use and Treatment Response from 2000 to 2016 in the Canadian HIV Observational Cohort Collaboration (CANOC)

Relova S, McLinden T, Sereda P, Barrios R, Montaner J. HIV-Related Healthcare Utilization among People Living with HIV in British Columbia, Canada

Montiel A, Ablona A, Klassen B, Card K, Iyamu I, Chang H, Haag D, Brennan D, Grace D, Worthington C, Lachowsky N, Gilbert M. Expanding the reach of internet-based testing for sexually-transmitted and blood-borne infections: Awareness of GetCheckedOnline among sexual minority men in British Columbia, Canada

Noor S, Cox J, Lambert G, Moore D, Lachowsky N, Grace D, Jollimore J, Grey C, Skakoon-Sparling S, Sang J, Parlette A, Lal A, Apelian H, Tan D, Hart T. Ethno-racial differences in HIV and sexually transmitted infections(STI), and related preventive and risk behaviours among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men in Montreal, Toronto, and Vancouver

Parent S, Toy J, Awendila L, Ye Q, Kao D, Fulton C, Montaner J, Barrios R, Salters K. Uptake of Hepatitis C treatment among people living with HIV and Hepatitis C

Pedersen H, Ablona A, Haag D, Chang H, Korol E, Bannar-Martin S, Wong J, Grennan T, Gilbert M. Sexual health service access during the COVID-19 pandemic: Increased use of internet-based sexually-transmitted and blood borne infections (STBBI) testing in British Columbia

Sang J, Moore D, Wang L, Barah J, Skakoon-Sparling S, Cox J, Lambert G, Noor S, Grace D, Jollimore J, Hull M, Apelian H, Lal A, Parlette A, Hart T, Lachowsky N. Trends in PrEP awareness and PrEP uptake among Gay, Bisexual and other Men who have Sex with Men (GBM) in Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal

Shoemaker E, Volpini K, Smith S, Loutfy M, Kendall C. Equitable timing of HIV diagnosis prior to pregnancy Singer J, Sauve L, Kakkar F, Lee T, Brophy J, Money D, Vaudry W, Bourcoiran I, Comeau J, Bitnun A. Impact of COVID-19 on access to optimal HIV Treatment and vertical transmission: Canadian Perinatal HIV Surveillance Program

Tam C, Wang L, Barath J, Wesseling T, Grieve S, Salters K, Moore D, Hogg R, Barrios R. Evaluating Experiences of HIV-related Stigma Among People Living with HIV Diagnosed in Different Treatment Eras in British Columbia, Canada

Yazdani K, Salters K, White R, Chia J, Ye M, Nanditha N, Colosson K, Dias Lima V, Barrios R, Montaner J. Treatment Trajectories for Psychosis among People Living with HIV

Zhao Y, Shannon K, Buxton J, Ti L, Genovy T, Braschel M, Udall B, Deering K. Social-structural Inequities associated with Housing Instability among Women Living with HIV over 10-year period: Urgent Need to expand Women-centered and Trauma-informed Housing Models

Zhao Y, Shannon K, Buxton J, Ti L, Genovy T, Udall B, Braschel M, Pick N, Deering K. Homelessness associated with Viral Load Suppression Failure and Reduced Access to Healthcare and Poor HIV Health Outcomes among Women Living with HIV in Metro Vancouver, Canada  


Présentation d’affiche – Sciences fondamentales
Le 3 mai
00 h 00 à 23 h 00

Aranguren M, Chartrand-Lefebvre C, Durand M, Poudrier J, Roger M. Premature Cardiovascular Disease Development In HIV-Infected Individuals From The Canadian HIV And Aging Cohort Study Is Associated With Discrepancies In BAFF And APRIL Levels

Bellini N, Lodge R, Jain J, Pham T, Cohen É. Investigating the role of miRNAs during HIV-Infection of CD4+ T lymphocytes Gilmore J, Serghides L, Bendayan R. Role of Membrane-associated Transporters in Modulating Fetal Drug Exposure: Relevance to Antiretroviral Drug Teratogenicity

Graydon C, Mohideen S, Fowke K. Development of LAG3+ cell lines and their use for studying the LAGmechanism

Isnard S, Dupuy F, Lin J, Fombuena B, Ouyang J, Peng X, Sohail Ahmed D, Bu S, Royston L, Kaur Pardesi M, Bernard N, Routy J. GDF15 as a biomarker of HIV reservoir size in ART-treated PLWH

Kinloch N, Ritchie G, Dong W, Cobarrubias K, Sudderuddin H, Lawson T, Matic N, Montaner J, Leung V, Romney M, Lowe C, Brumme C, Brumme Z. SARS-CoV-RNA quantification using droplet digital RT-PCR

Lapointe H, Ritchie G, Dong W, Kamelian K, Russell S, Choi J, Matic N, Kirkby D, Chorlton S, Krajden M, Montaner J, Leung V, Romney M, Brumme Z, Prystajecky N, Lowe C, Brumme C. An Inter-Laboratory Genomic Cross-Validation of a COVID-19 Outbreak in a Long-Term Care Facility

Galli R, Lo Hog Tian J, Sumner-Williams M, McBain K, Stanizai E, Tharao W, Aden M, Jamieson H, Da Silva M, Vassal A, Guilbault L, Ireland L, Witges K, King A, Ametepee K, Lachowsky N, Pant-Pai N, Mazzulli T, Rourke S. High Study Levels of Accuracy, Usability, and Acceptance by Observed Participants Lead to Health Canada Licensing Canada’s First HIV Self-Test

Mohammadzadeh N, Branton W, Estaquier J, Clain J, Racine G, Zghidi-Abouzid O, Gelman B, Angel J, Cohen E, Gill J, Power C. Persistence of HIV and SIV in the Brain Despite Effective ART

Munoz-Arias I, Cohen E. HIV-Vpr Degrades the Polycomb Complex Component BCOR to Counteract Provirus Transcriptional Silencing

Omondi F, Sudderuddin H, Shahid A, Kinloch N, Jones B, Miller R, Tsai O, MacMillan D, Trocha A, Liang R, Brumme C, Joy J, Walker B, Brumme Z. Within-host HIV evolutionary and proviral decay dynamics in former viremic controllers

Vera-Cruz A, Burke-Schinkel S, Tanphaichitr N, Angel J. Anti-HIV activity of the modified human antimicrobial peptide 17BIPHE2

Whyte-allman S, Kaul R, Bendayan R. Involvement of the mTOR Signaling Pathway in the Regulation of Antiretroviral Drug Efflux Transporters in CD4+ T-cells Exposed to an HIV Pseudotype

Whyte-allman S, Hoque T, Cattin A, Winchester L, Fletcher C, Routy J, Ancuta P, Bendayan R. Antiretroviral Drug Efflux Transporters and Metabolic Enzymes in Circulating Monocytes and Monocyte-Derived Macrophages of ART Treated People Living with HIV

Wiche Salinas T, Zhang Y, Sarnello D, Zhyvoloup A, Raymond Marchand L, Planas D, Lodha M, Chatterjee D, Karwacz K, Oxenford S, Routy J, Madsen H, Ancuta P, Fassati A. Th17 cell master transcription factor RORCregulates HIV-gene expression and viral outgrowth

Yero Diaz A, Shi T, Farnos O, Routy J, Tremblay C, Tsoukas C, Costiniuk C, Jenabian M. Dynamics and epigenetic status of regulatory T-cells following antiretroviral therapy (ART) initiation in early HIV infection  


Présentation d’affiche – Sciences cliniques
Le 3 mai
00 h 00 à 23 h 00

Cheung P, Shahid A, Dong W, Lepik K, Brockman M, Brumme Z, Brumme C. Evaluation of Combinations of Clinical Integrase Mutations on Integrase Strand Transfer Inhibitor Resistance

Oliviera M, Ibanescu R, Routy J, Thomas R, Brenner B. Favorable Drug Resistance Profile of Doravirine and Islatravir

Carvalho S, Sheehan N 1, Valois S, Kakkar F, Boucher M, Ferreira E, Boucoiran I. Analysis of raltegravir plasma concentrations during pregnancy: impacts on the viral control of pregnant women living with HIV

Cheung P, Shahid A, Dong W, Lepik K, Brockman M, Brumme Z, Brumme C. Evaluation of Combinations of Clinical Integrase Mutations on Integrase Strand Transfer Inhibitor Resistance

Christensen B, Tavangar F, Kroch A, Burchell A, Rourke S, Rousseau R, Light L, Bekele T, Tan D. Neurocognitive Outcomes Not Associated with Prior Syphilis or Number of Episodes of Syphilis in HIV+ Adults in Care in Ontario

Fehr D, Lebouché B, Ruppenthal L, Brown M, Obas N, Bourbonnière E, Jenabian M, Girouard J, Massicotte A, Almomen A, Frenette C, de Pokomandy A, Cox J, Giannakis A, Cheng M, Kronfli N, Tsoukas C, Zahedi N, Szabo J, Dehghani K, Turner H, Hamel A, Falutz J, Brouillette M, Duchesneau C, Lanthier-Brun J, Klein M, Routy J, Costiniuk C. Characterization of People Living with HIV in a Montreal-based Tertiary Care Centre with COVID-19 During the First Wave of the Pandemic

Dunn R, Maan E, Elwood C, Money D, Côté H. Exploring Placenta Mitochondrial DNA Mutation Burden and Pregnancy Risk Factors in Women with HIV: Preliminary Findings from a Molecular Barcoding Approach

Kogilwaimath S, Stewart K, Galambos A. Using a virtual classroom model to build HIV treatment capacity in Saskatchewan: Continued success during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic

Guillemi S, Toy J, Trigg J, Zhang W, Ding E, Hull M, Brumme C, Montaner J. Incidence Rate And Factors Associated With HIV-RNA Blips In Persons On ART In British Columbia

Inceer M, Mayo N, Brouillette M, Fellows L. Frailty Profiles of People Living with HIV; Beyond a Basic Classification

McClymont E, Albert A, Walmsley S, Lipsky N, Loutfy M, Trottier S, Smaill F, Klein M, Harris M, Yudin M, Wobeser W, Money D. Pregnancy Outcomes Among Women Living with HIV who Received the Quadrivalent HPV Vaccine During Pregnancy

Naqvi S, McMillan J, Gill J. Tailoring Care for Frail and Lonely Older Persons with HIV

Neufeld-Peters J, Tkatchuk S, Pick N, Carr R. Safety and Effectiveness of Tenofovir Alafenamide (TAF)-Containing Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) in Women Living with HIV

Povshedna T, Rosenkrantz M, Hsieh A, Steif J, Albert A, Maan E, Sattha B, Nesbitt A, Gordon S, Prior J, Money D, Murray M, Pick N, Côté H. Preliminary Analysis of Comorbidity Risk Scores and Immune Aging Markers in Women over 45 Years old Living with or without HIV in the CARMA Cohort in British Columbia

Quigley A, MacKay-Lyons M. Physical deficits among People Living with HIV: A Critical Review

Quigley A, Fellows L, Brouillette M, Mayo N. Action for Positive Brain Health Now: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial using Goal Management Training

Royston L, Isnard S, Fombuena B, Lin J, Iovi C, Girouard J, Bu S, Routy J. Kaposi sarcoma in ART-treated people living with HIV: A new form to be compared with classical Kaposi in HIV-uninfected individuals

Shafran S, Hughes C. Bictegravir/Emtricitabine/Tenofovir Alafenamide in Patients with Genotypic NRTI Resistance

Swann S, Kaida A, Nicholson V, Brophy J, Campbell A, Carter A, Elwood C, Gebremedhen T, Gormley R, King E, Lee M, Lee V, Maan E, Magagula P, Nyman S, Pang D, Pick N, Povshedna T, Prior J, Singer J, Tognazzini S, Murray M, Cote H. British Columbia CARMA-CHIWOS Collaboration (BCC3) Protocol – An Interdisciplinary, Community-Based Study of Healthy Aging By, With, and For Women Living With HIV  


Présentation d’affiche – Sciences sociales
Le 3 mai
00 h 00 à 23 h 00

Atkinson D, Landy R, St. Denys R, Ogilvie K, Lund C, Worthington C. Acts of allyship working in partnership with the Métis community to pilot Dried Blood Spot Testing for HIV, HCV, HBV, and syphilis in Alberta

Berlin G, Noor S, Skakoon-Sparling S, Card K, Lachowsky N, Cox J, Lambert G, Gaspar M, Jollimore J, Grace D, Hart T. Social Determinants of Methamphetamine Use Among Gay, Bisexual, and Queer Men Living with HIV

Bratu A, Bratu A, McClean A, Jawanda S, Aran N, Hillstrom K, Hennie E, Cardinal C, Benson E, Beaver K, Benoit A, Hogg R, Jaworsky D. Indigenizing our Research: Indigenous Community Leadership in HIV Epidemiology Research

Cooper S, Ly J, Salters K, Barazanci Z, Singh K, Tung A, Awendila L, Barrios R, Montaner J. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on a cohort of clients recently treated for Hepatitis C in Vancouver, BC

Gaspar M, Grey C, Wells A, Hull M, Tan D, Lachowsky N, Grace D. Public Health Morality and Another Pandemic: HIV-Negative Sexual Minority Men’s Sexual and Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Decision-Making During the First Wave of COVID-19

Grey C, Skakoon-Sparling S, Brennan D, Burchell A, Ferlatte O, Gaspar M, Perez-Brumer A, Salway T, Tan D, Jollimore J, Gilbert M, Cox J, Hart T, Lachowsky N, Lambert G, Moore D, Lessard D, Klassen B, Grace D. Sexual Health, Public Health Responses, and Risks: A Qualitative Exploration of Gay, Bisexual and Queer Men’s Negotiation of Safety during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Medeiros P, Yu A, Kazemi M, Lacombe-Duncan A, Persad Y, Kihembo M, Islam S, Gormley R, Logie C, de Pokomandy A, Kaida A, Loutfy M. Exploring the Experiences and Related Care Gaps among Women Living with HIV in Canada using Concept Mapping of Canadian HIV Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Health Cohort Study (CHIWOS) Findings

Mendell J, Stewart M, Young E, Morberg M, Lauscher D, Mendell J, Jacco K, Gallard M, Duddy J, Pooyak S. Building close and meaningful relationships at a distance: Strengthening a team of Peer Research Associates

Mozafarinia M, Brouillette M, Fellows L, Knäuper B, Mayo N. Are People Living with HIV in Canada Ready for Self-Management? A Report on Perceived Barriers and Enablers

Cardinal D, Nyman S, Kaida A. Researcher Journeys: Water Connects us All. Using Water Teachings to Enrich the Work and Practice of Indigenous and Allied HIV Researchers

Noor S, Tran A, Grace D, Skakoon-Sparling S, Lachowsky N, Moore D, Cox J, Lambert G, Jollimore J, Sang J, Parlette A, Lal A, Apelian H, Tavangar F, Tan D, Hart T. Associations between area of residence, openness, STI/HIV testing, and PrEP use among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men living in Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver

Skakoon-Sparling S, Lachowsky N, Cox J, Moore D, Lambert G, Grace D, Sang J, Parlette A, Lal A, Apelian H, Jollimore J, Hart T. Which Men Who Have Sex with Men?: Bisexual Men Who Have Sex With Men May Be At Greater Risk for Negative Health Outcomes

Souleymanov R, McLeod A, Star J, Campbell C, Sharma U, Amjad S, Moore S, Payne M, Ringaert L, Restall G, Larcombe L, Migliardi P, Lorway R, Lachowsky N, Brennan D, Magwood B, Smith T, Nero S. Sexuality Disclosure and HIV/STBBI Testing among Two-Spirit, Gay, Bisexual, & Queer Men in Manitoba

Turpin A, Brennan D, Charest M. Examining Inter- and Intra- Organizational Dynamics Supporting Task-shifting Opportunities in Community-based HIV and Sexual Health Services for GBM

Islam S, Underhill A, Kazemi M, Greene S, Kwaramba G, Persad Y, Chambers L, Loutfy M. Beyond the Data: A Community-led Storytelling Pilot Project from The Canadian HIV Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Health Cohort Study (CHIWOS)’s Knowledge Translation/Exchange (KTE) Champion Project

Wells A, Fulcher K, Berlin G, Nguyen T, Lachowsky N. The Importance of Social Relationships for Sexually Diverse Men Engaging in Sexualized Meth Use in British Columbia: A Qualitative Interview Study  


Sciences fondamentales séances de présentation orale d’abrégés #1
Le 5 mai
14 h 30 à 16 h 00

Armstrong E, Hemmerling A, Miller S, Burke K, Newmann S, Morris S, Reno H, Kulikova M, Huibner S, Cohen C, Coburn B, Kaul R. Impact of LACTIN-V (Lactobacillus crispatus CTV-05) on genital immunology following standard bacterial vaginosis treatment: results from a randomized placebo-controlled trial

Brockman M, Mwimanzi F, Sang Y, Ng K, Agafitei O, Ennis S, Lapointe H, Young L, Umviligihozo G, Burns L, Brumme C, Leung V, Montaner J, Holmes D, DeMarco M, Simons J, Niikura M, Pantophlet R, Romney M, Brumme Z. Weak humoral immune reactivity among residents of long-term care facilities following one dose of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine BNT162b2  


Épidémiologie et santé publique séances de présentation orale d’abrégés #1
Le 5 mai
14 h 30 à 16 h 00

Bekele T, Odhiambo J, Betts A, Oakes W, Rueda S, Burchell A, Kroch A. Increased Economic Hardship due to the COVID-19 Pandemic among Participants of the OHTN Cohort Study (OCS)

Chang H, Ablona A, Ogilvie G, Salway T, Grennan T, Wong J, Haag D, Pedersen H, Bannar-Martin S, Ford G, Grace D, Worthington C, Gilbert M. Accessing needed sexual health service during the initial phases of the COVID-19 pandemic in British Columbia (BC)

Hart T, Moore D, Noor S, Lachowsky N, Grace D, Lambert G, Skakoon-Sparling S, Jollimore J, Parlette A, Lal A, Apelian H, Sang J, Tavangar F, Tan D, Cox J. Is PrEP associated with bacterial STIs among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (GBM)? PrEP and sexual risk behaviours in Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver

Kaida A, Brotto L, Murray M, Côté H, Albert A, Gordon S, Nicholson V, Gormley R, Booth A, Smith L, Baaske A, Politeski E, Galea L, Sadarangani M, Ogilvie G. Intention to Vaccinate and Key Population Membership for Early COVID-19 Immunization by HIV status among a Provincial Sample of Women and Gender Non-binary Individuals in British Columbia, Canada

Milwid R, Xia Y, Doyle C, Cox J, Lambert G, Grace D, Thomas R, Mishra S, Boily M, Maheu-Giroux M. HIV Transmission Dynamics Among Gay, Bisexual, And Other Men Who Have Sex With Men In Montreal Between 1975-2017: A Mathematical Modelling Study  


Sciences cliniques séances de présentation orale d’abrégés #1
Le 5 mai
14 h 30 à 16 h 00

Cronin K, Bekele T, Bekele T, Betts A, Rueda S, Kroch A. Loneliness and Elevated Prevalence of Depression during COVID-19 Pandemic among Participants of the OHTN Cohort Study (OCS)

Francis B, Logue K, Loemba H, De Wet J, Trottier B, Thorpe D, Haubrich R, Kim C, Tossonian H, Francis B, Brunetta J. Effectiveness and Safety of bictegravir/emtricitabine/tenofovir alafenamide (B/F/TAF) in People Living with HIV in Canada: 12-month (12M) Results of BICSTaR

Nicolau I, Antoniou T, Brooks J, Moineddin R, Cooper C, Cotterchio M, Gillis J, Kendall C, Kroch A, Knowles Z, Lindsay J, Price C, Salters K, Smieja M, Burchell A. Cancer Among People Living with HIV in Ontario, Canada, 1997-2018

Sebastiani G, Cervo A, Milic J, Lebouche B, Klein M, Deschenes M, Cascio A, Mazzola G, Guaraldi G. Impact of obesity on concordance of serum liver biomarkers and transient elastography in HIV

Winkler E, Light L, Newell P, Qureshi N, Loutfy M, Burchell A, Kendall C, Lindsay J, Kroch A. Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Deferral of Health Care and Mental Health Service Utilization for People Living with HIV in Ontario, Canada  


Sciences sociales séances de présentation orale d’abrégés #1
Le 5 mai
14 h 30 à 16 h 00

Erickson M, Ranville F, Elwood Martin R, Pick N, Buxton J, Deering K, Shannon K, Krüsi A. “They give you a bus ticket and they kick you loose”: narratives from women living with HIV post-release from incarceration in Metro Vancouver, Canada

Etowa J, Tharao W, Mbuagbaw L, Husbands W, Hyman I, Obiorah S, Nelson L. Community Perspectives on Adressing and Responding to HIV/AIDS among African, Caribbean, and Black (ACB) People in Ontario

Gormley R, Nicholson V, Cardinal D, Nyman S, de Pokomandy A, Loutfy M, Kaida A. “It Interferes with me Getting in Touch my Culture:” Indigenous Women with CHIWOS-PAW Speak Out about Denial of Culture in Healthcare

Skerritt L, Kaida A, Savoie É, Sánchez M, O’Brien N, Boucoiran I, Rouleau D, Loutfy M, de Pokomandy A. Using Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping to Identify Factors Promoting Women’s Satisfaction with HIV Care  


Sciences cliniques séances de présentation orale d’abrégés #2
Le 6 mai
14 h 30 à 16 h 00

Aran N, Bratu A, Ye Q, Lu M, Card K, Closson K, Guillemi S, Hogg R. Healthcare Utilization Trends Associated with Suicide Death Among People Living with HIV in British Columbia, Canada, Between 1998-2012

Lacombe-Duncan A, Shokoohi M, Persad Y, Underhill A, Machouf N, Wheatley M, Gupta M, Kyne L, Fung R, Arbess G, Hranilovic S, Weisdorf T, Bourns A, Chan L, Loutfy M. Charting HIV Care for Trans Women in Clinical Care: Findings from the Montreal-Toronto Trans Study (MTTS)

Lima V, Sereda P, Toy J, Guillemi S, Barrios R, Montaner J. Evolving Patterns of Brand and Generic Antiretroviral Drug Utilization Within a Universal Healthcare System in Canada

Logie C, Sokolovic N, Kazemi M, Gupta M, Smith S, Ndung’u M, Kennedy V, Kaida A, de Pokomandy A, Loutfy M. Clinical HIV outcome trajectories for women living with HIV with a childhood history of child protective service out-of-home care: findings from a longitudinal Canadian cohort study

Yeung A, Lisk R, Rana J, Guiang C, Bacon J, Brunetta J, Gilbert M, Gesink D, Grewal R, Kwag M, Logie C, Mitterni L, Shahin R, Tan D, Burchell A. Clinician and Community Preferences for Bacterial Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) Testing Interventions Among Men Who Have Sex With Men (MSM): An E-Delphi Study in Toronto

Zhang L, Shannon K, Tibashoboka D, Ogilvie G, Pick N, Kestler M, Logie C, Udall B, Braschel M, Deering K. Improving Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health Services Among Cis and Trans Women Living with HIV: Correlates of Self-reported Comfort Discussing Sexual and Reproductive Health with Primary HIV Providers  


Sciences sociales séances de présentation orale d’abrégés #2
Le 6 mai
14 h 30 à 16 h 00        

Boucher L, Shoemaker E, Liddy C, Leonard L, MacPherson P, Presseau J, Martin A, Pineau D, Lalonde C, Diliso N, Lafleche T, Fitzgerald M, Kendall C. Experiences of Managing Chronic Health Issues among Socioeconomically Marginalized People who Use Drugs

Lessard D, Bilodeau M, Keeler P, Margolese S, Rosenes R, Guerlotté C, Tharao W, Arnold K, Masching R, Taylor D, Sousa J, Taylor J, Kaytes A, Smith D, Gianella S, Kovacs C, Benko E, Angel J, Cooper C, McGuinty M, Cameron W, Durand M, Martel-Laferrière V, Rouleau D, Chomont N, Routy J, Cohen É, Dubé K, Lebouché B, Costiniuk C. “You Should Have Approached Me Before I Wrote my Will”: Older People with HIV’s Willingness to Participate in End-of-Life Cure Research in Canada  


Épidémiologie et santé publique séances de présentation orale d’abrégés #2
Le 6 mai
14 h 30 à 16 h 00

Closson K, Lee M, Gibbs A, Nicholson V, Gormley R, Parry R, Ding E, Li J, Carter A, Pick N, de Pokomandy A, Loutfy M, Greene S, Logie C, Kaida A. Sexual relationship power, condom use and violence among women living with HIV in Canada

McClarty L, Kendall C, Loeppky C, Ireland L, Kasper K, Blanchard J, Becker M. Visualizing inequities across the Manitoban HIV care cascade: A novel application of the equiplot  


Sciences fondamentales séances de présentation orale d’abrégés #2
Le 6 mai
14 h 30 à 16 h 00

Gilmore J, Hoque M, Mohan H, Dunk C, Serghides L, Bendayan R. Interaction Between the Integrase Strand Transfer Inhibitor Dolutegravir and Folate Transporters/Receptor in Human and Rodent Placenta

Jain J, Pham T, Dallaire F, Bellini N, Fromentin R, Chomont N, Cohen E. Second Mitochondrial Activator of Caspases (SMAC) Mimetics as Novel HIV Latency-Reversing Agents (LRA) for HIV Eradication

Shahid A, MacLennan S, Kinloch N, Sudderuddin H, Ochsenbauer C, Fischl M, Ofotokun I, Adimora A, Gange S, Williams B, Aouizerat B, Kuniholm M, Kassaye S, Anastos K, Brumme Z. Reconstructing Within-Host HIV Evolutionary History in Seroconverters from the Women’s Interagency HIV Study  


Séance de présentations orales d’abrégés sur les populations clés – Utilisateurs de drogues
Le 7 mai
14 h 30 à 15 h 30

Blouin K, Blanchette C, Alary M, Leclerc P, Morissette C, Vallée M. HIV and HCV Infection among people who inject drugs (PWID) in Eastern Central Canada – 1995 to 2019

Maghsoudi N, Tanguay J, Scarfone K, Rammohan I, Ziegler C, Werb D, Scheim A. The Implementation of Drug Checking Services for People Who Use Drugs: A Systematic Review  


Séance de présentations orales d’abrégés sur les populations clés – Collectivités autochtones
Le 7 mai
14 h 30 à 15 h 30

Landy R, Lund C, Atkinson D, St. Denys R, Ogilvie K, Masching R, Worthington C. Developing a Métis-led cultural response to HIV, HCV and other STBBI grounded in Métis ways of knowing and doing

Landy R, Lund C, Masching R, Worthington C. Grounding HIV, HCV, and STBBI treatment and prevention within First Nation cultures: a community-led, reciprocal learning approach

Logie C, Lys C, Sokolovic N, Mackay K, Kanbari A, Pooyak S, Gesink D, Loppie C. Food insecurity and associated HIV vulnerabilities among Northern and Indigenous adolescents in the Northwest Territories, Canada: informing social contextual HIV prevention approaches  


Séance de présentations orales d’abrégés sur les populations clés – Minorités sexuelles et de genres
Le 7 mai
14 h 30 à 15 h 30        

Mah A, Chambers C, Yeung A, Grewal R, Grennan T, de Pokomandy A, Cox J, Lambert G, Moore D, Hart T, Deeks S, Sauvageau C, Ogilvie G, Tan D, Brisson M, Lachowsky N, Grace D, Nisembaum R, Jollimore J, Coutlée F, Burchell A. Bias in Self-Collected Anal Specimens on Prevalence of Human Papillomavirus Infection in Gay, Bisexual and other Men who have Sex with Men (GBM) – A CIRN-funded Study

Moore D, Wang L, Sang J, Lachowsky N, Lal A, Barath J, Montaner J, Hull M, Wong J, Grennan T, Hart T, Cox J, Lambert G, Grace D, Sereda P, Jollimore J, Hogg R. Changes in the HIV care cascade among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (GBM) in Vancouver: 2012-14 To 2017-19  


Séance de présentations orales d’abrégés sur les populations clés – Africains, Caraïbéens et Noirs
Le 7 mai
14 h 30 à 15 h 30

Oakes W, Qureshi N, O’Brien K, Nyambi A, Mbuagbaw L, Burchell A, Kroch A. Prevalence of Self-Reported COVID Infection, Household Exposure, and Front-Line Work Among People Living With HIV During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Samnani F, Deering K, Tibashoboka D, Magagula P, Wiedmeyer M, Pick N, Krüsi A. Stigma trajectories, disclosure, access to care and peer-based supports among African, Caribbean, and Black im/migrant women living with HIV in Canada  


Si votre résumé ne figure pas sur cette liste, veuillez communiquer avec nous, à l’adresse ctninfo@hivnet.ubc.ca.    

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CTN Communications

The Communications Department assists Investigators, members, and staff in describing the work done at the Network and tell stories about the impact of the CTN.