Jean-Pierre Routy (CTN Investigator, VIT Core Co-Lead, and Steering Committee Member at the Research Institute of the MUHC).

The 10th International AIDS Society Conference on HIV Science – known as IAS 2019 – will take place on July 21-24, 2019 in Mexico City. This biennial conference presents the latest scientific advances of basic, clinical, and operational HIV research. With over 6,000 scientists, advocates, policymakers, funders, and community leaders attending, this conference is one of the world’s most influential meetings on HIV and its applications.

Many CTN Investigators will be attending the conference to present their work including Dr. Jean-Pierre Routy, our Vaccines and Immunotherapies (VIT) Core Co-Lead, and Steering Committee Member. Dr. Routy will conduct an oral poster presentation on July 23rd, examining the relevance of a new gut permeability marker, Reg3α and I-FABP, on microbial translocation, inflammation and reservoir size in people living with HIV. The study is co-authored by other CTN Investigators, including Dr. Bertrand Lebouché, Dr. Cecilia Costiniuk, Dr. Madeleine Durand, and Dr. Cécile Tremblay. The study also involves research from two other CTN studies: CTN 247: Canadian cohort of HIV+ slow progressors and CTN 257: Impact of HIV on mucosa.

Conference Events and Sessions

Heading to IAS? Check out the events and sessions with CTN Investigators:

Non-Commercial SatelliteAchieving 90-90-90 and “getting to zero” in the Americas requires addressing equity for indigenous communities Sunday 21 July, 10:15 – 12:15 Co-chair and Presenter: Dr. Renée MaschingConducting research on HIV among indigenous peoples: values, approaches and guidelines.
Oral Poster Discussion SessionThinking and doing: Novel conceptual and methodological approaches Tuesday 23 July, 13:00 – 14:00 Presenter: Dr. Carmen Logie Exploring the mediating role of tobacco use in the relationship between intersectional stigma and HIV clinical outcomes among women living with HIV in Canada.
Oral Poster DiscussionMucosal tissues: What’s ‘crobes got to do with it? Tuesday 23 July, 13:00 – 14:00 Presenters: Dr. Stéphane Isnard and Dr. Jean-Pierre RoutyRelevance of Reg3α and I-FABP on microbial translocation, inflammation and reservoir size in people living with HIV.
Bridging SessionEradicating stigma: Moving from what we know to what to do next Wednesday 24 July, 11:00 – 12:30 Co-chair: Carmen LogieThis session will highlight what is known and unknown about the psychosocial and structural operations of stigma in affecting trajectories of individuals and communities in HIV prevention and care, and what is known and unknown about effective stigma mitigation/elimination strategies and their implementation and scale-up.
Symposia SessionPrEP, prevent, test: Increasing young key populations’ uptake of HIV prevention and testing services Wednesday 24 July, 14:30 – 16:00 Presenter: Carmen LogieOvercoming barriers to HIV testing among young MSM and transgender women in Jamaica.
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