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Relationship between reward-related evoked potentials and real-world motivation in older people living with human immunodeficiency virus

Front Aging NeurosciSeptember 01, 202210.3389/fnagi.2022.927209

Contributing evidence regarding the relationship between two EEG correlates of reward processing, the Reward Positivity, and the Feedback-P300, and real-world motivated behavior indicated by self-reported hours engaged in goal-directed leisure activities per week, in older individuals with well-controlled HIV infection

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Cannabinoids and Chronic Liver Diseases

Int J Mol SciAugust 20, 202210.3390/ijms23169423

Discussing the latest evidence supporting the implication of the endocannabinoid system in the pathophysiology of chronic liver diseases, as well as the potential therapeutic impact of cannabis intake and cannabinoid-based medicines on the prognoses of chronic liver diseases

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